Learn a foreign language

Have you always wanted to master a language? Whether you want to learn Spanish, French, Mandarin or Greek, there are plenty of options. With so many programs and courses offered online, you can do this from the comfort of your home from your laptop.

How do you begin?

Whether you’re still studying or working, everyone can remember the tests from German class in high school. Write down important words for yourself and translate them into your foreign language. You don’t have to learn whole sentences right away. Make it easy for yourself.

Practice, practice, practice

Schedule practicing your language in your calendar. It can sometimes be hard to muster the discipline to start learning, which is why it’s nice to have a reminder. Truly, you will thank yourself for this.

Speak the language

Have you already fairly mastered the basics of your language? Start having conversations. Who knows, maybe there is a friend who also wants to learn this language so you can help each other. Practice makes perfect!

Watch your favorite series in your chosen language or with subtitles in your language!

Who says a Netflix marathon isn’t productive? Put on your favorite series in your chosen language if possible or switch the subtitles! Preferably choose episodes you’ve already seen. Success guaranteed.


Are you already more experienced in your language? Purchase a book you like in this! Not ready yet? A children’s book can also be enormously instructive! After all, this is how you learned to read in your own language back in the day. 😉


Listen to music and/or a podcast in your language! The more you will hear the language the better you will pick it up.

Go travel!

When you can … plan a vacation or trip to the country of your language! After all, that remains the very best way to practice your language. And not very tedious either, right? You can also combine working and traveling! Check out our vacancies at worldwidejobsearch.com/jobs

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